Climate Change and Clean Energy
Getting ready for the effects of climate change protects people, homes, companies, jobs, infrastructure, natural ecosystems, and other things. It talks about the effects that are happening now and those that are likely to happen in the future. Adaptation will be needed everywhere, but the people who are most at risk and have the fewest means to deal with climate risks need to be helped first. There can be a high rate of return. Early notice systems for disasters, for example, save lives and property and can save up to 10 times as much as they cost in the beginning.
Road Safety
The United Nations launched the second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-30, which includes the ambitious target to reduce by at least 50% the number of road deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Reliable data on deaths and serious injuries, based on harmonised definitions, are needed in each country in order to monitor the development in the number of road casualties, set interim targets and design effective road safety strategies and effective road safety action plans. There is an urgent need for building sustained capacity in low and middle-income countries for developing solid crash data systems. Weak road crash data systems lead to a substantial underreporting of road crashes and casualties. This is an obstacle to the basic monitoring required by the UN target, and it prevents development of appropriate strategies for reducing the number of road deaths and injuries.
Agribusiness, Social Enterprise and Decent Work
A social enterprise or social business is a business with specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment, and the profits are principally used to fund social programs.
Youth in ICT and Education
Technology – specifically ICT – has played a central role in young people’s rise to prominence on a global scale. It has helped them mobilize, collaborate and given them a voice where there was none before. It has brought them together in response to social concerns. It has connected them across vast geo-political barriers. For young people, access to information means better access to capital, markets and training needed to pursue a career or studies; increased participation in political processes, and recognition of youth as responsible citizens in today’s society. Youth entrepreneurship – which is facilitated by access to technology, the internet and information – is fast being positioned as a solution for youth employment. Young people are rising to the challenge by pioneering the use of ICT, and driving trends in what is a dynamic and major growth industry.
Organizational Strength and Sustainability
The core function of capacity building is sustainable organization development. This is grounded in the principle that strengthening capabilities of different functions forms the foundation for overall organization strength and sustainability. By building capacities, we equip organisations with the capabilities to independently and effectively deliver their mission thereby increasing their potential to have a positive social impact over time.
Sustainable development refers to the ability to meet the present needs of the organization while developing their ability to independently fulfill future requirements. This requires employing techniques that ensure long term enduring change and institutionalizing solutions.