The work we do is based on these ideals. We try to keep these in mind in everything we do, both inside and outside the organization. Our work is based on them, and we try to adopt and use them in everything we do.
Participation and Inclusion: We try to make sure that everyone is heard and included in the talk, especially marginalized and disadvantaged groups that might be affected by policy. We are aware of our privilege and the fact that involvement may be hard for some. We want to make civic involvement bigger and more diverse by giving everyone a place to take part in activism and political change.
Conservation of Nature: We know that nature and the land are important because they are the source of all life. We value work that saves and protects our natural world and works to end the harmful systems of extractivism, pollution, and environmental degradation that are currently in place. We work toward systems that are regenerative, cooperative, diverse, and open to everyone. We do this by taking a long-term, sustainable approach to making change, where the well-being of people and the movement we are a part of is taken into account and cared for.
People and Groups: We try to get to know the people, groups, and organizations around us and work together with them. We try to bring people together over environmental problems, and we try to share our resources fairly so that these connections and communities can get stronger.
Social and Climate Justice: We know that the work we do can have effects both near and far, and we try to include the need for social and climate justice in everything we do as we move toward a better future.
Transparency and Accountability: Everything we do is open and honest, and we have methods in place to hold each other and our stakeholders accountable. We think we should be responsible to each other and to the people and organizations we work with. We try to make our work clear and accountable.
Commitment: In order to achieve its goal and vision, UF4D International is committed to the highest standards of excellence. Our recipients, stakeholders, and the people as a whole deserve nothing less.
Partnership: UF4D International knows that its success relies on a diverse, well-coordinated team that is committed to the highest standards of trust, hard work, cooperation, and communication. The staff is dedicated to working well with partners, governments, and other organizations in Ghana and around the world.